Illustration of the UC Davis campus

Digest: ✅ Celebrating staff

Congratulations to the recipients of the inaugural FOA Annual Excellence Awards for Innovation, Collaboration and Moved Mountains.

These awards underscore the significant impact our dedicated staff have on the success and innovation of our organization. This year’s honorees exemplify the spirit of innovation, collaboration and resilience that drives UC Davis forward.

Learn more about this year’s recipients and how you can recognize individuals throughout the year.

Vice Chancellor Clare Shinnerl

Clare Shinnerl
FOA Vice Chancellor

/to-do list

  • Apply for or share scholarship opportunities

  • Staff scholarships are available for higher education, professional development opportunities and certifications, including the Kathleen Moore scholarship, specifically for FOA employees who make less than $80,000 a year. Learn more and apply to (almost) all scholarships with just one application.

  • Plan for retirement

  • Employees in any stage of their career are invited to the Pathway to Retirement Event on March 7 for guidance on retirement preparation, while employees who are only a few months away from retirement can also attend help desks held in March through May. Register today.


decorative image - innovation, collaboration, moved mountains

Three staff members honored with inaugural FOA awards

Amber Sharpe of FOA Business Partners, Aaron Knapek of Design and Construction Management, and Jennifer Thompson of Supply Chain Management received the first FOA Excellence Awards in recognition of their exceptional work, innovative problem solving and dedication to excellence. Read more about how they went above and beyond.



  • 📣  Feature content in the Digest

  • Use a new form to submit a news item, event or program to be potentially included in a future edition of the Digest. Check out the form.
  • 🎊  Celebrate Principles of Community

  • Catch the final events of Principles of Community week, a series of events held by a variety of units to showcase and promote connection and inclusivity, including a Lunar New Year celebration and a discussion of LGBTQ leadership. Find out more.
  • 🤝  Attend professional development event

  • The upcoming Lifting Black Voices Retreat, themed "Making Power Moves and Leveling Up Our Careers," is designed to support Black employees by providing networking opportunities and career development strategies. Register for the Feb. 23 event.
  • 🥏  Register early for summer camps

  • Employees get early access to registration for on-campus summer camps, offered to children grades one to 12 with topics ranging from swim to music composition to veterinary medicine. Pick a camp and register on March 11.
  • 🕺  Enjoy dance performance at a discount

  • Use this month’s Well-being Ticket Deal to attend Untitled Love, a dance program that explores self-love and Black love set to D’Angelo music.  Get your ticket for the Feb. 24 event.
  • 🧸  Join an early childhood playgroup

  • The Center for Child and Family Studies is offering a Parent-Baby Playtime mini session, Feb. 28 – March 13, as an introduction to their family classroom. Get details for this and other Early Childhood Lab School programs.
  • 🛴  Ride with free credits

  • Get $10 toward e-rides through Spin with the limited time promo code, “SWEETRIDES.” Find details on using Spin and the promotion.
  • 🏵️  Recognize colleagues

  • Nominate staff members who have shown outstanding achievement in certain areas, including innovation and mentorship, for a citation of excellence, available to non-represented staff members at UC Davis and UC Davis Health. Read more and submit your nominations by March 11.

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