keyboard and pencils


The Wordmark

wordmark examples

Wordmarks are our main visual identifiers at UC Davis. They are the core graphic elements we use to identify departments, operating units, programs, and initiatives on campus. All FOA wordmarks feature the Proxima Nova typeface that is left-justified and left-aligned with the UC Davis wordmark.

Download your department wordmarks


Alternate Wordmarks

While the standard wordmark format is preferred, there are times when it doesn't work very well in our communications.  Because of this, we've created a set of alternate wordmarks for all departments (see examples below). Please use these alternate versions in documents/webpages when:

  • the background is dark 
  • the rest of the content is center-justified
  • space is limited
UC Davis FOA alternate wordmarks


Download your alternate wordmarks


Specialty Wordmarks and Logos

There are occasions when specialty wordmarks or logos are necessary to properly promote approved initiatives, campaigns and systems. Examples of approved specialty wordmarks include UCPath, the Friends of the Arboretum and Public Garden, AggieShip, Big Shift and Aggie Enterprise.

limited edition logos


Do you need something custom? Send us a message.